Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ufology needs open minded skepticism. Duh.

Let's get one thing straight that never gets straight. Being skeptical is GOOD if you really want to find some answers. Especially in the UFO world. I commonly hear "the skeptics" in a negative way and in the Stanton Friedman way it is termed" noisy negativists". And in many ways he seems suspect to his own "rules". Not that Stan hasn't done good work and opened the eyes of many to the UFO possibilities, but that those possibilities are those of his own conclusions and not exactly balance by other negativists if you want to call them that.

Now there is a difference between a non-thinking debunker and a skeptic. Non-thinking debunkers are those that just go through a laundry list of why ANY UFO is bunk. These debunkers and true believers are basically in the same boat. They have beliefs of how things are and they are bullet-proof to anything else. There are many of these in the UFO world. And none of them can impart any useful information in this study.

But then there is a narrower band of thinkers and researchers that merges towards centrism. The true open minded skeptic. The person that weighs heavily on skepticism but maintains an open mind to all possibilites. There is no such person. You either lean towards UFO's being real or not, even if the lean is a precarious little tilt. But the thing is, that most official groups are not very diversified. The opinions tend to fall squareley on one side or the other. Like minds tend to gather together and they seem to have no sense of checking themselves or their conclusions.

This is a problem for truth. Or at least those that want productive progress in the ufological field. No matter the difference of opinion these people (skeptics and co-called believers) need to somehow unite. Maybe they don't need to hold hands daily and they don't necessarily have to like each other, but it might serve as a great library of information and opinion. This type of forum, where skeptics, pro or con on the existance of UFO's, would intelligently and courteously present data. They would come to conclusions together to try and solve this thing. This would give the best opinion and data supporting the reality of UFO's.

We need the skeptics as our checks and balances. Then we may begin to understand how data can produce drastictly different results. We never seem to have the forums that present both sides of a topic. This is exactly what we need. Both sides. Because when you have both sides, even if they may be opposed, you have a better chance of reaching a centered and reasonable conclusion than having heard only one version. Period.

Here is a list of things that may help solve this impossible mystery. It is just food for thought, but if I could present some guidelines or rules that allow for understanding the people involved and an avenue for exporing such topics.

1. All members must pass lie detector tests or battery of tests. This may inhibit people making wild claims and those that do will need to pass this test validating, if only in their minds, their claims.

2. All members background and financial status must be disclosed, verified, and openly distributed on request. This stuff may be invasive but can be an important consideration when judging the nature and integrity of a person. Certainly this isn't everything, but people should know.

3. I think that even their beliefs on many topics should be disclosed as well. This is just an intensive and scutinizing way of organizing a productive group and I think, at this point, it may be needed. Not that there beliefs are even wrong, but from this information we can know where they are shooting from. Again, just something we should know.

4. Open and non-threatening way of meeting, discussing, presenting and compiling of data, and starting to form a "group" opinion using tools of science and deductive reason.

5. Peer review is only possible when such a group has operated cooperatively and congruently in a way that forms a more unified consensus on cases and presented evidence. This would take a number of years at least to consistenly come up with enough "heads in the mix" so to speak for a longer tenure to establish the validity and respectability of having competent peers review their work.

I know that I will have a lot more to say about this topic, but at this point I will at least get some of these ideas out onto the blog. Yeah the blog that no one reads, but nonetheless, it is there if only for me to think and rethink. To form logical opinions on how we may be able to undress the mysteriously cloaked enigma that is ufology.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Real UFO's, but no one cares

I listen to podcasts. I read any "news" on ufology. I follow some sightings. I read some blogs. I look to the so-called informed and sensible to educate me. Ufology is a strange underworld of many subsets and many different conclusions. But one thing that I NEVER hear or read about is Hessdalen. Hessdalen, Norway is where the UFO's are, for real. But it seems no one cares.

This is a place where strange unidentified lights have appeared and studied for at least 25 years. The lights are so strange that there are different categories of lights because the phenomenon seems to change it's "manifestation" from time to time. The lights appear in an assortment of different colors. Some lights morph into different shapes. The lights are mostly seen at night, but have been seen in the daylight as well. Sometimes the objects will hover only to speed up and move. Sometimes they move erratically and sometimes they drift down into the valleys.

This stuff isn't imagination. It is REAL. It has been documented. It continues to be documented by several groups of students in search of the meaning and implications of the phenomena. What is it? How could we benefit from it? How and why does the energy manifest itself? What could this tell us about the nature and interplay of environment and man? Most of all, how can we begin to understand something so enigmatic??

So why aren't we paying attention? These are true phenomena. There seems to be adequate sightings involving lights that pulse and move and hover and so on. Sounds similar to Hessdalen, a place we can actually go to and arduously and laboriously study. Yet we never hear an inkling about this phenomena. If what we are after is the truth, then why can't we begin to do just that?

I guess it isn't spectacular enough. Maybe it is too hard to sensationalize itand, well, sell it. I mean we don't have people with this universal feeling of wholeness. We don't have anyone being probed or at least communicated with. B-o-r-i-n-g, b-o-r-i-n-g. We don't have metallic craft hovering over the magnificent Swiss mountainside. Perhaps it is even mundane. But perhaps it is mundane and sublime altogether. Perhaps we are turning our investigative backs on this phenomena because it doesn't support our idea of what Ufology is all about. But what is it about?

Doesn't seem to matter. Instead we continue to have countless researchers still investigate to most mythical piece of ufology available. Roswell. At this point we can't even agree who is doing the research. And we are supposed to get at the truth of it? Are we really truthseekers? Unless there is some governmental revelation involving disclosure (um, sure) we will never know. and we will continue to grow stories out of the personality mill.

Meanwhile Hessdalen sits. Shrouded in snowy blankets. Watched by a few kids, a scientist (Erling Strand), and some photoactivated cameras. True UFO activity. It's just that maybe this is a little too close to the truth. And we certainly wouldn't want that would we?

Monday, November 26, 2007

CNN report UFO conference 12 november 2007

You'll see by the commentary that perhaps ufology is gaining ground. We see Nicole Lapin, I think, embarass herself. And Gary Tuchman sort of makes sense of the matter, while throwing in the required ubiquitous jab.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mind Reading

How long do you think it will be until we can watch our dream in HD?? I mean literally to visually watch what you dreamed last night.

In the future we will have perfected the dream reenactment. Among other things that is. Of course I think this is far far into the future.

Read this article

This open flood gates. I've suspected this for some time now. This is a way into someone's mind. Physically. We can and will learn how to better read brain waves and interpret them. Thoughts are things! And things can be seen in a sense and possibily read. Sorry I meant read. And just that will happen. We can and will be able to control things with our thoughts when we figure this out. It will begin as a novelty where we can open and close the garage door or change the channel on the TV. But then it will turn to a more inimical nature. We will see the dark side of knowing too much. For some this will have been the intended purpose all along. This will give us the ability to control, change, and for a large part, manufacture our environment.

And as we learn to read minds, this opens a slew of categorical ethical questions. Whose property is the mind and how can it be soley owned and inhabited? Shall we jump into a killers mind? A rapist? How will this affect crime and prevention of devious or, god forbid, national security type behavior. Will we choose to invade the minds of society in an effort to regulate thought?

This is scary territory and it is a reality. A reality that may bring us a higher scaffold of knowledge. And perhaps a higher aggresiveness of those in pursuit of power. What if Hitler had won?? What if Saddam won?? Understanding the mind is understanding how to control. Because if we can learn how they work, then we can learn how to change them to our liking. And everyones liking is different.

By the way the movies will be great. Especially last nights dream. Just don't be too curious and start watching your wifes dreams as well.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bigfoot News

I don't know if bigfoot exists or not. I've been in remote areas before and there is a lot of land that is basically not travelled. I think it would be possible for such a creature to subsist, but there seems to be overwhelmingly lacking data. Maybe for good reason. And there have been a few newsworthy items I have come across recently.

1. A hunter in Pennsylvania acquired some motion activated pictures that are quite odd, whether Bigfoot or not. As you look at the pictures they are weird. Immediately some of the bigfoot people stated turning to this as proof as the giant hairy one. Apparently the beast has adopted yoga as a pastime. The sensible forest rangers are calling this a bear with mange. This seems to make sense as you compare with the picture of a bear with mange.
Now a recent poll of a popular bigfoot forum showe that a majority of Bigfooters side with the sensible bear with mange. But there still appears to some believers that won't dismiss this. They seem to think that it is a healthy primate. Even though we can see the resemblance in the photos. And also considering bears were photographed by the same camera about a half hour earlier. And there were only cubs present. Maybe this was Momma. Or Throw Mama from the Train.
Despite most people considering this a misidentification, this will be remembered as an episode where the bigfoot crazies tried to pass this off as bigfoot. Unfortunately in these types of fields, respectable people don't get partitioned from the wackos. The serious ones will keep looking and researching while the believers, well, do just that, believe.
2. I've only seen one episode, but the new MonsterQuest on the History channel was quite interesting. Of course this episode was on Bigfoot. I never give these shows too much credibility as they are intended to get ratings. I did like this episode and it left me with a number of questions.
To sum it up the crew was led by someone respectable, Dr Jeff Meldrum. They stayed 5 days in a remote Canadien cabin known for activity in the past. The found and recovered some DNA from an old blood-stained nail board used to prevent bears from breaking in. They also recovered hair and tissue samples. The tissue was thrown out because it did not appear to have enough sequences to do anything with. The hair turned out to be "close to human, but not entirely human". And the blood needs to undergo further time and money consuming tests if anything is to come of it. In addition to this, there were rocks thrown at the cabin on the last night. Who threw them?? Who knows, but no one stayed outside to investigate or film. There were supposedly cameras all over the place but pictures of this mystery throwing wasn't captured.
The episode was enticing and different. I liked it but on a serious note there are many unanswered questions. I'm sure there will be lots of aftermath in the bigfoot world about this, especially since Meldrum was involved. I tend to think some theatrical and hidden things were happening unbeknownst to Meldrum and others. I wonder how this will play out, there is already a lot of talk about it.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Where is the Evidence for UFO's

Where is it??

Where are the bonafide pictures, videos, physical pieces?? Where is the data that verifies the existance and appearance of something weird?

The UFO world seems to be constructed of blurry pictures, photoshop projects, unknown metallic pieces, and testimonies numbering in the thousands. But how do we convince whoever we are trying to convince?? There never seems to be any real solid proof. And I think many ufologists would love to continue this.

As I conjure up thoughts of anything I would deem having credibility I think of cases like Iran 1976, Rendlesham, Belgium triangles, Phoenix lights, Shag harbor, Malmstrom, and on and on and on. In each of these cases the evidence is sketchy. But there is still some compelling stuff. Enough to at least try to investigate and get at what truth might be there.

Skeptics would dismiss cases based on sketchy evidence, and rightly so. But I think there may be more to this phenomenon than just pure empirical evidence. There seems to be a sort of tie in with perception and congnition with the supposed craft or encounter. We keep trying to separate belief and rational scientific proof. I wonder if belief is a part of the whole phenomenon in some way. This thought seems to sprout an tangled medusa of alternative ideas. Maybe we are indeed creating the whole phenomena. Not that the encounters aren't percieved as real, but perhaps our consciousness and psyche manifest these enigmas.

If this is the case, I don't know that we will ever gather useful evidence. Perhaps we need to undergo another or several intellectual jumps to be able to comprehend what is actually happenining. I suppose this would be evolutionary in a sense as our brain chemistry at least would change. And as we begin to merge ourselves, even biologically, with newer technologies we may become less like Dr Frankenstein and more like God.

But as this stems into another conversation we are left with little evidence. Very fragmented, unverified, undetermined, unconvincing data. It is as if it were a game. Just like when I play magician with my kids. I'm terrible but convincing to them. And perception really is reality. If I wanted to I could convince them that I am doing real magic. And never unveil my tactics. If I wanted to. And taking a closer look at genuine ufology, it seems to me that maybe something is maybe doing just that. Or perhaps they are lazily and irresponsibly meandering about their way in the multiverse and are seen. Or perhaps yada yada yada. To the rabbithole we go.

And to those that claim to have this great physical life-changing, paradigm shifting, evidence stop "saving it for the right time" and show it already. Where are the alien implants and who is testing them?? Where is the metal that reshapes itself?? And if the metal reshapes it self, why didn't the craft mend itself wholly?? Where is all the great evidence claimed???? Some one show it !!! Until that happens we will live in the same foggy underworld of charlattans and alien babies. Of reptilians and Zeta Reticuli. We may never get any where in this popular culture meets truthseekers. Not "The Truthseeker", but real truthseekers.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Where do I stand on ufology?

My observations of ufology as an armchair type guy. Just confessing my ignorance.
1. UFO's exist, but who's to say what they are? ET, unknown energies, hoaxes, misidentified, multidimensional, psyche. Hard to tell but would warrant objective scientific investigation. Ha, ha. All joking aside, UFO's are something, whether mundane or not.

2. Disclosure is not the way. What would the government disclose and what would be witheld? And how would anyone know? There's lots to say on disclosure, but I'll suffice it to say that lack of proof and engrained predispositions seem to hurt this movement. Now I will say that other countries leading the "disclosure" movement may ultimately put pressure on the US. Possibly, but I think not. And if they were bombarded enough that they might release some softball type of report. And what if the know, but they don't know what the hell it is?? How would the disclosure people react if UFO's are drastically different then what they expect?? Like I said, lots to talk about.

3. Stephen Greer seems to be Dr Jeckyl, Mr Outrageous Duality. I mean his claims are so extensivley preposterous it takes away tremendously from any good he has done. And I think the 2001 National Press Club was the best possible turning event at the worst possible time with the worst possible ringleader. Some of the testimonies are compelling. So he's done good and bad, well, maybe mostly bad.

4. Billy Meier UFO's are obviously hoaxed. I don't really need the story and the rants and the cultist mentality. There is very good evidence. THE PICTURES. Do you remember watching Mr Rogers when they went into the little tunnel and came into this miniature world??

5. There's a lot of shows to listen to but many aren't asking the right questions. It's as if we care to just perpetuate this whole field. Let people talk and talk and spew and spew out garbage until the show ends. I want the proof, I want the truth, I want the real scoop. Don't insult my lack of intelligence with your phony, sell a book, made up, theory. I guess at this point I stop listening anyway. Unless its the Paracast. They ask the right questions.

6. There seems to be a paradoxal duality with our society. We accept supernatural belief, but only if doesn't conflict with current paradigms. We accept religion, but dismiss UFO's. We pray. We believe in life after death. A path to (insert your favorite afterlife here). A bunch of old writings that some people base their entire lives on. I guess the will to believe is somewhere inside us. The will to believe is embedded at some level deep in our DNA. I guess maybe we do it to get through life. Anyway, maybe their is something to the meaning of life and maybe there isn't. But the fact remains that it is OK to talk about these issues, even publically, but it is not OK to talk about UFO's. Alien life. Advanced life. Aliens are perhaps more probable than god. But I suppose they can't offer us eternal life. Whoops, forgot about heavens gate.

The aliens have taken me. Goodbye for now.


DENNIS KUCINICH hangs himself??

You listen to it and watch it. What do you think because everyone has an opinion. I really hate politics, but it is a neccessary evil. And much of it doesn't even seem logical. We have a potential candidate for president (well, not really, but he plays one on TV) He is asked a question and then hangs himself. It is the impossible question. Did you see a UFO? I mean are you now officially ending your politcial career by anwering this question truthfully?? Are you a quack? An imbecile? The same answer apparently answers all of these questions.

People somehow take his answer as this: I saw a UFO full of aliens that were here to give me a message. If 14% of the country saw a UFO then we have a major problem. We need to recruit mental health professionals by the bundle. Conclusions are basically put into the mouths of the truth tellers. The conclusion is that aleins are invading and that the person who "saw" it is without a doubt insane.

Did he see something unusual? Yes. Did he say they were aliens from Zeta Reticuli? No. The fact is that there are many qualified sightings of unidentified flying objects. Enough said. I'm not here to go into that just yet, but the aftermath of this is uncalled for. I guess he should have lied. Was it stupid, courageous, or just honest?

Here is the contradiction. If he was asked if he believed in an invisible man in the sky that will save us and give us eternal life, what should his answer be?? We apparently can deal with one supernatural ideology, but we can't do anything but snicker and chuckle when it comes to weird stuff in the sky.

We seem to be in this loop that when a UFO "flag" comes up we act a certain way. We are programmed to reject, make fun of, ridicule, and seek therapy. Of course we know that there certainly couldn't be life elsewhere. And God forbid, he saw a military craft or a balloon or a hoaxed UFO and actually told the truth about it( that being he didn't know what it was). But there seems to be another "flag" that goes up when we say God. God is here to help. When things go bad we pray. The president actually prays. I'm sure that does a lot of good. We seem to clearly be programmed differently for this word "God" than we are for UFO.

I think it will take the discovery of life on Mars or a solar sytem moon to change this programmed response. People are clearly uncomfortable with aliens, but are completely comfortable with God. And why shouldn't they be. It sure seems nice, heaven and all the puffy clouds and the big gate. We're not so sure about the aliens though.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Mars is best shot in this lifetime

Mars is the floodgate. When we verify biological life on Mars, the Earth will never be the same. Well, that is for the humans, ... Who else cares right? Think of the moment. The moment we officially recognize another extraterrestrial species. Boy, won't the UFO guys be let down. Then again, maybe not.

The transformation that this discovery has the potential for is profound. I think it might be one of the single most important discoveries of our time, that is of human time. We have been astonished with the masterminds of physics for decades and centuries, but we haven't seen the likes of something like this. Imagine knowing for the first time that there was actually life found outside our planet. You may have had a feeling for the possibility of it, but perhaps we wouldn't be prepared for the actual delivery of such news.

Just the discovery of one biological cell or remnants of such would set the world on fire. How would religion deal with it? How would then society deal with it? When would we see the real shift in consciousness?? How would our daily life change in the short term??"The End is coming" Fire in the streets. Rage. Confusion. Despair. Excitement. Sublime wholeness. This will affect every conscious person on our planet in very different ways.

Of all the ways of discovering life on other planets, I think venturing to Mars and perhaps other places among our solar system have the highest probability of finding it. It is difficult to verify, and impossible to do so currently, life on other planets with imaging and spectroscopy. I don't expect SETI to come running in with a verifiable signal, although that would be pretty cool. Of all the bad things we hear about SETI at least someone is listening. Sure it is radio waves. Sure there are a lot of "what abouts?" against SETI. But there is the potential for the signal. Is it possible, yes. Likely, not. But so is the lottery.
We may also discover ET if he comes here. UFO's. ET getting in a craft and travelling vast distances to get here. It may seem unlikely, and perhaps it is, but it is a possibility. In fact maybe it is a realistic possibility. We are going in that direction as our technology and knowledge advance. Our future is in the stars and why wouldn't ET's be also? It certainly seems something that intelligent life might do. How they get over those distances is the subject for many more posts.

And that leaves us with one more option. We need to leave our planet and travel to other nearby planets or moons and fish around. Like Mars for starters. We need to hurtle a piece of metal towards Mars with people in it, get out, and start investigating. In a sense robots can do this, but I really thing at this point, maybe we need a human to be there to react critically and really get the most out of some type of mission. And what a mission it would be.

This is it. This is how we find and prove the existance of ET. It won't be UFO's on the lawn. It won't be Seths Big Day. It won't be a picture or image. It will be us going out and finding it. Why? Because it is there to be found. And the truth can be learned before the modern generation passes away. I think we will learn this within the next 30 years.
So Mars will ruin the UFOlogists day, at least for the moment. ET won't be proven by UFO people, but it might just transform this field as it will transform the worlds paradigm. This discovery could strengthen the serious study of UFO's if we discover life somewhere else, however small and rudimentary it might be. At least at that point we know life exists elsewhere. And where there are little kids, there are big brothers.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Where do UFO's originate??

I'll give the quick list with a short explanation if needed. What are the possible sources of UFO's

1. Mistaken Identity- Includes lots of photos, videos, experiences. For instance look at Compeche, Mexico case.

2. Hoaxes - Need I say Billy Meier, the bearded, one armed grand master?

3. Unknown Earth energies(Non-Intelligent, well, ... maybe)

4. Military aircraft - who knows what we are really capable of

5. Private enterprise- I wonder if someone other than the government, apparently the US, could pull off a stunt as a UFO display. Could someone be so clever and cunning to outwit our military and society to use some type of craft for whatever reason?? More on this later

6. ET- Is ET responsible for any of it. We know the only way we are ever going to get off this island to to go somewhere else. And we're doing just that. Why wouldn't someone else or something else do it also? Maybe that just have a better way to get here.

7. Alternate or parallel universe or reality- We really haven't even come close to proving it, but things sure seem to get weirder the more we discover. Maybe there is a rabbit hole.

8. Crypto's. Non-humans They live here. I like it. They are perhaps a different human counterpart. Maybe there timeline was different and intelligent life spawned in the oceans. Or maybe it moved to a remote area of the globe and inhabited it. Anyway its as feasable as the others.

9. Maybe the phenomena is part of our psyche. Maybe the imagery, energy, perception, and reality is constructed by our own neuro-network of consciousness. Perhaps it is a grand woven collection of jigsawed mind pieces. Perhaps reality isn't what we think it is. It can't possibly be. Maybe energies are overlapped, interconnected, and interactive on a different level than we know.

10. Cryptos . Humans. Suppose there was a civilization that didn't need trade. They didn't need commerce and typical heirarchical things we find in our society. And suppose they were handed technology faster than other civilizations. Perhaps they were quite advanced, human, peaceful, non-warring, and integrated as a community. This may not even be possible among humans. Anyway, they get technology and continue to live in a peaceful and watchful position while maintaining a hidden society. At the same time, they are still humans. More on this later.

11. What else??

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

ET exists, no doubt

Really extra-terrestrials are a matter of perspective. If I am here and a spaceship lands and little greys come walking up to me, I might assume they are from another planet. Lets assume they are. Wow. ET does exist. The ET hypothesis has been proven. It IS possible for a species or some life form to travel to our planet and land. OK this is one perspective.

Lets look at some microbial life on Mars. Is it there?? More on Mars in the future, but there may be. Man would that change things I think. Anyway lets say there is life there. And we come crashing in with 2 rovers that traverse small areas of the Martian landscape. Only before that we had mettalic spacecraft circling the planet, whizzing by it, taking pictures and documenting. Now we have these wheeled droids scraping, rolling, sucking up sunlight to power themselves. Not that a microbe can think(well, to our knowledge of what thinking is, again another topic), but if it could, it's perspective and interpretation is that there is intelligent life in the universe. (Little do they know).

My point is that we are ET. If there is life out there somewhere and we bump into it, we are the aliens. We have the UFO's, not quite anti-gravity and warp-drive, but quite cumbersome hunks of metal that rely very much on Newton to get us anywhere.
Imagine this. Fast forward a few million years. If we are alive it's likely not on planet Earth, but thats irrelevant. Pioneer 10 manages to swerve and narrowly avert and major impact until Planet ZaBaDu. Planet ZaBaDu had a similar upbringing as Earth. Violent parents, early childhhod turmoil, and an amazing transformation into something wonderful. Intelligent beings arose on Planet ZaBaDu. Not so intelligent that they never had conflict. Not so intelligent that they mastered technology beyond our comprehension. But maybe similar to us, and perhaps even more archaic than us.

And down upon there world, reigns a great streaking light. Plummeting to Earth,... er sorry, Planet ZaBaDu. And in the midst of this fiery but salavgeable mess they retrieve a plaque. It happens to be the plaque from Pioneer 10. I just gotta wonder what they might be thinking. What would we be thinking?? Surely WE would probably call out much suspicion and likely hoax. On the other hand it might be something that we could study. Right, right, right. What about MJ-12??? We know where the spacecraft land and how to effectively deal with it. Plaque would be gone and witnesses would be left saying that the military figures picked up the debris. That sounds familiar, but this particular post isn't really about that.

This post is to suggest that the ET hypothesis is quite valid because we see ourselves reaching to other parts of our world. We know that our world is finite and has a limited time. Our natural tendency is to explore and go where no man has gone before. Our future is in other parts of the galaxy or galaxies depending what we learn in our quest to survive as a species.

Now whether UFO's play a part in this is another matter to be discussed. We haven't recovered any plaques with rudimentary drawings of the location and likeness of other wordly beings. Well, at least to my knowledge. We don't have obvious signs of ET's here, again, to my knowledge. Perhaps this suggests that either the UFO's represent higher evolved beings or that maybe they aren't ET's, in other words not from another physical planet.

If they are higher evolved beings this might explain the control of craft and their ability to remain enigmatically cloaked. If they are from, well, maybe another dimension or from here, or from some other wacky concoction then the same applies. They can manipulate themselves and/or our our perception of them to their advantage AND our disadvantage.

What is possible is all of the above I suppose. But I feel strongly in saying that there COULD come a day where one of Earths craft, not neccessarily Pioneer 10, could make it to and crash land on another inhabited planet. Wouldn't that be cool? And what if they picked up a signal of Elvis or I Love Lucy. It's possible, it's being broadcast at the speed of light. What if some tiny reciever, pointed in the exact right direction picked something up??

And would they be pissed if they got I Love Lucy and not Big Brother 7??

Monday, October 8, 2007

How big is Big??

I loved showing this photo to my students, 8th graders. I made the room dark as possible and let them look at it. And then I would proceed to question what they were seeing. Most would quickly respond "stars". But to explain to them that they were looking at galaxies, lots of them, some became quite awed.

When we look up at the stars we are looking at suns, billions of them, some bigger some smaller, but really what we see is a portion of our galaxy. And when you have a clear dark night away from the city and you see the Mily Way and realize we are not just looking at the stars, but we are in fact, looking into the eye of our origins. A face to face meeting with awareness of our smallness and insignificance, or significance depending how you view it.

And to make things weirder, looking up into the speckled cloak of night is a look back into time. It took the light millions years to travel across space and enter my eye so that I might have this realization. Wow. So if the nearest star to us went into supernova (which I'm not sure it can, don't think it is big enough -Alfa Centurai will have to check this??) we wouldn't even know for over FOUR YEARS!! Thats the closest one!! It is quite wonderous to look up to the stars and find constellations and planets. But it is another thing to come to revelations about what you are actually looking at. It is a weirdly sublime sensation.

Back to the photo. We are not just a speck on the photo, we are a speck of a speck. A billionth of a speck. And how many galaxies can we see in the picture? And how many more are there? You get a similar type of cosmic feeling looking at this . And you can, maybe not comprehend, but get an idea of the vastness that is vast. We don't have words that can describe phenomena like this. Infinity. If we could zoom out, where would we end? And when would we stop zooming in?

So this leads me in a Drake way, I suppose, to wonder where they are . We are here. In an arm in the Milky Way. A medium sized star, third planet out. We call it Earth. Where are you?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

About this blog

As in the header to this blog you may get an idea of what types of things I may be writing about. UFO's, bigfoot, consciousness, god or lack thereof, ancient civilizations, I'm not sure what else just yet. I'm going to veer away from stuff I don't really care about. Sorry, self interest I guess.

This is not your everyday, report the most absurd sensationalistic garbage type of blog. I'm not interested in what I know or feel to be fake stories. I don't care for sensationalism. The subject may be sensational enough anyway, without the self-promoting alien-envoking lecture. I want to know the truth. Are there intelligent beings of some kind that visit people on our planet? Is there an afterlife? Why can't we find this hairy man in the woods? (psssstt....maybe he doesn't exist)

Other questions as well. What is the nature of biological life throuout the universe? Why have we evolved into this remarkable conscious intelligent being that considers an episode of Dancing with the Stars time well spent? Certainly we are not at the pinnacle of our potential. Could there possibly be a species that is more intelligent than US??

I'll tell you what I think right now and as I change my mind I'll reveal that as well. There are UFO's. They are really there. Sure, not all of them are real, but some are, I'm convinced. I don't know what they are, but they appear to be under intelligent control. I say they appear to be. This doesn't mean that they are. But what I am saying is that this phenomena is real. The problem is getting any type of meaningful attention. This is due to the asylum that is ufology. So many people, with so many agendas. Insanity is a prerequisite for many people in this field.

I'll also spill this disclaimer. I am an armchair researcher at best. I don't go out and interview and investigate. I do the best I can with the information from I can get. From this I build my own assumptions. I am not a believer because belief is irrelevant. I'm not a "debunker" because I maintain an open mind. I accept all possibilities but carry a filter with me. I want truth, whether boring and mundane, or spectacular and sublime. I want to explore these topics as deeply as I can and I appreciate any feedback and additional information that I can get.