Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Look at Bigfoot: Some Questions and Points

I must admit, I'm a closet fan of this beast, real or not. I find myself secretly surfing the web while peering behind my back to see that my wife isn't watching. But, alas, she has caught me before. Looking at a picture of Bigfoot. I just had to burst out laughing myself. She knows about my curious and sometimes gullible mind, yet I still wonder can a creature exist.

As I explore it this post I am talking about the classic north American animal. Not some paranormal, disappearing one. And not the skunk ape or the Yeti, just your everyday, normal, biological Bigfoot.

One thing comes to mind, and ironically it IS the mind. The brain of this beast. If it exists, it CANNOT be compared to a chimp or gorilla. It would have been found if this were the case. It must be intelligent, perhaps on the level or moreso than humans. And it's population must be quite small. Perhaps hundreds to thousands. I will have to look for verifiable numbers for bear populations because we don't see them all that often, but we do see them routinely and can view them easily if we know where to look and how to track them. Bigfoot is different and the population must be a small fraction of a bear population.

I also have to ask the question: Could a group of say hundreds of backwoods savvy humans disappear from existance?? Could they mimic what Bigfoot does? In other words could they stay hidden? I suppose that depends on who is looking. If authorities sprung a high level alert in purposeful hunting for these people they would probably find them. Humans leave footprints and many other signs that would stand out somehow. At least I think. But I also think it is an important questions to ask because Bigfoot has remained hidden for so long.

But realistically who IS looking? Where are they looking and how many people are really looking? Probably a few dozen people a few times a year, covering a few square miles. Really they are covering only a small linear path within a few square miles. If Bigfoot does exist it would pretty easy to avert any intent to find them. Especially being an animal filled with the knowledge of camoflage and swift escape routes.

Now a few things puzzle me. It's not the body. I think there are many reasons for lack of bodies. There aren't many bigfoots, decomposition, maybe even burials? This doesn't trouble me. Even when we don't see bears, we see their poop. Where is the bigfoot poop?? As silly as this seems, this would be of major importance, yet we never find any. We find prints and some other sketchy stuff, but not the poop. As I write this I wonder if it just looks like bear poop. A diet may be similar to that of bears and so possibly this may be the case. Again I'll have to look into this aspect. I'm sure I'll find something. That'll be an interesting google search.

Whatever the probability of a bigfoot it is a matter of science. It must be a creature. I don't buy into any notion of it being paranormal or otherworldly although I always reserve the right to be amazed. Bigfoot, if it exists, is a biological creature. It is very smart. It has a low population. It has enought to eat and conceal itself. And where it dies and where it poops is as elusive as anything else. But if it does exist, it will only be found by a major epic scientific mission. If you have ever been in any remote area, you know the vastness of it and how little you really are. You also become aware of the possible dangers and mysteries that could be lurking nearby or in the shadows of the forests.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Chicago O'Hare Sighting: A Look Back

Well it's been a year now(close enough) that we've heard about the sighting in Chicago last year. Of course the sighting happened in Nov of 06, but didn't hit the news until early January.

I remember first thinking, this is interesting and the first thing I noticed was that it happened two months ago. I thought this was weird at first, but, I suppose I can understand the timing it. I think this was on Davenports site when it happened in November 2006, but not sure. I can't tell at this point how much fact checking went into this story before it was released. Some think that perhaps it hadn't been properly investigated and we may be releasing something that was inadequate and unverified.

Anyway an investigation was done by Richard Haines and NARCAP.

Here it is.

I'll be honest. I haven't read the entire 145 page report, yet. I'll do it in time. I'm not a freak you know.

I'm just wondering looking back on it if we can still learn anything. Can we get anything else out of it? We have the one of the biggest airports in the world and this is all we have??? No pictures? No video? Nothing really than a few people saying some things. I really have to think that maybe it didn't happen at all. I just can't get over the facts of the cloud hole, the length of the sighting, and no evidence.

I suppose it isn't any different than any sighting really. Same thing. Nothing. Maybe there was something there, but as far as convincing anyone, well, I don't know.