Friday, August 28, 2009

Crop Circles and UFO's : At least One Example

While I've been quite entertained by the repeated claims of UFO's making crop circles, I am at the same time intrigued by a report from 1974 in Canada. And it seems to serve as, so far as I can tell, a genuine UFO encounter that left behind,.. you guessed it, crop circles. Not an intricate fancy one of the DNA molecule, but just a plain circle. Well, .. actually 5 of them.

Edwin Fuhr, a farmer in Saskatchewan, was out working his rapeseed fields. He saw an object from his swather and got closer to take a look. Thinking it was some junk deposited there or some kind of joke, he was astounded to encounter a metallic looking object hovering and spinning in front of him. He dismounted to get closer. He got within 15 feet of the thing before a realization of something very odd indeed turned to fear. Scared of what he was witnessing he backed away towards his swather. He noticed that the spinning of the thing was also affecting the grass beneath it. As he retreated, still facing the object, he noticed to his side that there were four more objects nearby doing the same thing.

Ted Phillips later became involved and in an interview Edwin described what happened:

They were all revolving, all four of them. I sat there like I was frozen, I couldn't move nothing....I sat there for, it could have been fifteen or twenty minutes, I don't know. From one of them, something was probing around the grass....It was like, oh, I would say, the size of a fifty-cent piece, it looked like a probe, and the grass was all twisted and you could see marks like something had jumped here and there, all over. Then, they all went up, straight up, to I would say about two hundred feet and they stopped at that distance. When they hit the two hundred foot mark, they stopped spinning and a vapour floated out, an exhaust. The exhaust was only about six feet long, like a vapour, it was two ports at the bottom of it.

You could see they were about twelve-inch diameter ports and they were all like that. They were in a step-like formation, the lower was the last to go up... And after that, I would say only a second, there was a downward wind, a pressure that flattened the rape that was standing and I thought, "Oh, here goes my crop." It just took seconds to get to that height (two hundred feet) and then they were just standing and after that, into the clouds and they were gone.

Constable Morier mas the first on the scene to hear the story, see the circles left behind, and talk with Fuhr. He was convinced Fuhr was not lying.

He says : There is no way that this is a hoax...I think that there is no way that anything was wheeled in and out of that field because there had to be some trace...whatever was in there, it came out of the air and departed the same way, as far as I could tell.

Once I saw the rings, and how genuinely scared Mr. Fuhr was, it was most definite something had landed. Nothing could have been brought into that area. There were no tracks. It came out of the sky and went back to the sky.

"Mr. Fuhr is very sincere and a responsible member of the community that members of the force have known for the past four years."

I have seen this episode depicted on a television show at one time. I believe it was UFO Files featuring Ted Phillips and some of the cases he had been involved with. I haven't been able to find that video, but will post it if and when I encounter it. A few posts ago I embedded a video that contains some pictures of the rings that were left from the apparent UFO's. Check it out.

And while I usually dismiss the UFO / Crop Circle connection, well, ..... it has happened at least once if this case is legit.

Aha!! I found the video I was looking for. First it features this case in Saskatchewan.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Elongated Nodes in Crop Circles: Explained??

I have, in the past, been quite intrigued by the crop circle phenomenon for no other reason than the depth and originality of the "art". Is it a crypted depiction from other intelligences?? Is it ET's calling card?? Are they the result of terrestrial physics that are poorly understood or not understood at all??

Many questions remain about the circles, but one piece of evidence cited often times, particularly by BLT Research, is the presence of abnormalities in the apical nodes of the bent crops. The apical nodes are the plant nodes near the top of the plant but below the newest growth at the very tippy top.

Ripe barley crop

And while this evidence of elongated nodes certainly seems strange and physically present, I've wondered why no one has commented on such evidence. BLT Research seems to have substantial data representing these elongated and sometimes bent nodes. What could be the reason for such an anomaly?? BLT says that these elongated nodes are the most evident and consistent piece of data supporting the formation of non-human made crop circles.( I have paraphrased this and will look for the supporting quotations)

So, whats up with this?? Here is a picture of the type of bent and elongated nodes (not from BLT). And here is another. And another. You can clearly see the difference between normal grains and those that are elongated and/or bent.

I've recently noticed the position and growth of sunflowers in my backyard. Some of the flowers have drooped greatly down to the ground and are continuing to grow towards the sun. This natural tropism of sunflowers prompted me to think about how these nodes in crop circles might form. And I have a hunch they might be formed by negative gravitropism. Plants naturally have certain predisposed tropisms towards or away from gravitational forces (postive and negative).

Now lets see. A person bends down some crops. The crops, depending on what stage they are in, will either die, continue to grow, or a mixture of both. It has occured to me that if the crops are still growing, they would continue their natural tropism, bending up away from gravity and towards sunlight. It may lend some explanatory power to the nature of these apparent "abnormalities". Whats is abnormal is for the crops to get bent over. I don't know that certain "energies" are responsible for such elongating and bending. It may just be a natural way for plants to stretch themselves back into position for optimal growth.

I'm certainly not on any debunker trip, just trying to offer explanations for such behaviors in these plants. But in doing this, I need more data. I have some questions that might be useful in helping to see if what I have just offered up has any merit. These plant "abnormalities"are not present all the time. And that makes me wonder if the conditions of the plants, the growth cycle, the type of plant, and so on have anything to do with this. And I think they might.

A chemical (auxin) called indoleacetic acid (IAA) is responsible for the regulation of many plant activities. As far as tropism is concerned:

"IAA is produced in the meristems of the stem. The auxin diffuses down the shady side of a stem and not the sunny side. As a result, the cells on the shady side elongate more than the sunny side and the stem bends toward the sun. " (

So,.... elongation is possible when factors present themselves to a plant that needs to stretch out to the sun for growth. Now I would be remiss if I didn't point out that most of this elongation is apparent in the internode, and not the node proper. However, I have read some reports that state node elongation has occured, usually involving the upper node as opposed to the lower nodes. So while this isn't often occuring, it does occur. And quite simply, I doubt if sufficient testing has been done simulating crop circles and their apparent anomalies.

How fast this elongation can happen depends on plant specifics and environmental conditions, but I have read that it can happen in a matter of hours (ever seen how some plants grow before your eyes??). I speculate it could fit the bill for some of these crop circles. Alas, more data (and testing) is needed in order to confirm it. But this phenomenon leaves us with some questions.

So one question I'd like to see answered is:
How long has it taken from the "formation" to the collection and analysis of the grains?? If ample time has passed, we might expect some growth from the plants. And this growth from a sideways position up towards the sun might leave such an effect. If the grains are collected in a timely manner then potentially such effects might be absent. Again it depends on the type of plant, growth stage, susceptibility to node elongation, angle of crops in relation to angle of the sun, and so on. But to put it in a nutshell, perhaps this node elongation and bending is a natural result of a plant that has been pushed down which is trying desparately to regain it's "feet", not some unknown "energy" pulling the plant apart. But, ... I could be wrong.

As far as the other anomalies, well..... that's another post. One possibility at a time. And while some may think I am offering up the "truth" behind these crop circle anomalies, I'll say I'm just offering a possibility. Physical testing and verification will decide what is truth and what is fantasy.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Way, Way Back Machine

I'll have more to say about a particular case in Canada where a photo is briefly shown. As I was doing some researching on this particular case though, I found this little clip. Wow. Ted Phillips looks pretty darn young, but amazingly he sounds exactly the same. I've lstened to him a few times and I think that he is one of the most level-headed, objective researchers that I've seen. He doesn't rush to drastic "the sky is falling" conclusions, but collects the hard data in an effort to show that something weird indeed is happening. What it is exactly is another story entirely.