Friday, October 19, 2007

Where do UFO's originate??

I'll give the quick list with a short explanation if needed. What are the possible sources of UFO's

1. Mistaken Identity- Includes lots of photos, videos, experiences. For instance look at Compeche, Mexico case.

2. Hoaxes - Need I say Billy Meier, the bearded, one armed grand master?

3. Unknown Earth energies(Non-Intelligent, well, ... maybe)

4. Military aircraft - who knows what we are really capable of

5. Private enterprise- I wonder if someone other than the government, apparently the US, could pull off a stunt as a UFO display. Could someone be so clever and cunning to outwit our military and society to use some type of craft for whatever reason?? More on this later

6. ET- Is ET responsible for any of it. We know the only way we are ever going to get off this island to to go somewhere else. And we're doing just that. Why wouldn't someone else or something else do it also? Maybe that just have a better way to get here.

7. Alternate or parallel universe or reality- We really haven't even come close to proving it, but things sure seem to get weirder the more we discover. Maybe there is a rabbit hole.

8. Crypto's. Non-humans They live here. I like it. They are perhaps a different human counterpart. Maybe there timeline was different and intelligent life spawned in the oceans. Or maybe it moved to a remote area of the globe and inhabited it. Anyway its as feasable as the others.

9. Maybe the phenomena is part of our psyche. Maybe the imagery, energy, perception, and reality is constructed by our own neuro-network of consciousness. Perhaps it is a grand woven collection of jigsawed mind pieces. Perhaps reality isn't what we think it is. It can't possibly be. Maybe energies are overlapped, interconnected, and interactive on a different level than we know.

10. Cryptos . Humans. Suppose there was a civilization that didn't need trade. They didn't need commerce and typical heirarchical things we find in our society. And suppose they were handed technology faster than other civilizations. Perhaps they were quite advanced, human, peaceful, non-warring, and integrated as a community. This may not even be possible among humans. Anyway, they get technology and continue to live in a peaceful and watchful position while maintaining a hidden society. At the same time, they are still humans. More on this later.

11. What else??

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