Saturday, October 27, 2007

Mars is best shot in this lifetime

Mars is the floodgate. When we verify biological life on Mars, the Earth will never be the same. Well, that is for the humans, ... Who else cares right? Think of the moment. The moment we officially recognize another extraterrestrial species. Boy, won't the UFO guys be let down. Then again, maybe not.

The transformation that this discovery has the potential for is profound. I think it might be one of the single most important discoveries of our time, that is of human time. We have been astonished with the masterminds of physics for decades and centuries, but we haven't seen the likes of something like this. Imagine knowing for the first time that there was actually life found outside our planet. You may have had a feeling for the possibility of it, but perhaps we wouldn't be prepared for the actual delivery of such news.

Just the discovery of one biological cell or remnants of such would set the world on fire. How would religion deal with it? How would then society deal with it? When would we see the real shift in consciousness?? How would our daily life change in the short term??"The End is coming" Fire in the streets. Rage. Confusion. Despair. Excitement. Sublime wholeness. This will affect every conscious person on our planet in very different ways.

Of all the ways of discovering life on other planets, I think venturing to Mars and perhaps other places among our solar system have the highest probability of finding it. It is difficult to verify, and impossible to do so currently, life on other planets with imaging and spectroscopy. I don't expect SETI to come running in with a verifiable signal, although that would be pretty cool. Of all the bad things we hear about SETI at least someone is listening. Sure it is radio waves. Sure there are a lot of "what abouts?" against SETI. But there is the potential for the signal. Is it possible, yes. Likely, not. But so is the lottery.
We may also discover ET if he comes here. UFO's. ET getting in a craft and travelling vast distances to get here. It may seem unlikely, and perhaps it is, but it is a possibility. In fact maybe it is a realistic possibility. We are going in that direction as our technology and knowledge advance. Our future is in the stars and why wouldn't ET's be also? It certainly seems something that intelligent life might do. How they get over those distances is the subject for many more posts.

And that leaves us with one more option. We need to leave our planet and travel to other nearby planets or moons and fish around. Like Mars for starters. We need to hurtle a piece of metal towards Mars with people in it, get out, and start investigating. In a sense robots can do this, but I really thing at this point, maybe we need a human to be there to react critically and really get the most out of some type of mission. And what a mission it would be.

This is it. This is how we find and prove the existance of ET. It won't be UFO's on the lawn. It won't be Seths Big Day. It won't be a picture or image. It will be us going out and finding it. Why? Because it is there to be found. And the truth can be learned before the modern generation passes away. I think we will learn this within the next 30 years.
So Mars will ruin the UFOlogists day, at least for the moment. ET won't be proven by UFO people, but it might just transform this field as it will transform the worlds paradigm. This discovery could strengthen the serious study of UFO's if we discover life somewhere else, however small and rudimentary it might be. At least at that point we know life exists elsewhere. And where there are little kids, there are big brothers.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Where do UFO's originate??

I'll give the quick list with a short explanation if needed. What are the possible sources of UFO's

1. Mistaken Identity- Includes lots of photos, videos, experiences. For instance look at Compeche, Mexico case.

2. Hoaxes - Need I say Billy Meier, the bearded, one armed grand master?

3. Unknown Earth energies(Non-Intelligent, well, ... maybe)

4. Military aircraft - who knows what we are really capable of

5. Private enterprise- I wonder if someone other than the government, apparently the US, could pull off a stunt as a UFO display. Could someone be so clever and cunning to outwit our military and society to use some type of craft for whatever reason?? More on this later

6. ET- Is ET responsible for any of it. We know the only way we are ever going to get off this island to to go somewhere else. And we're doing just that. Why wouldn't someone else or something else do it also? Maybe that just have a better way to get here.

7. Alternate or parallel universe or reality- We really haven't even come close to proving it, but things sure seem to get weirder the more we discover. Maybe there is a rabbit hole.

8. Crypto's. Non-humans They live here. I like it. They are perhaps a different human counterpart. Maybe there timeline was different and intelligent life spawned in the oceans. Or maybe it moved to a remote area of the globe and inhabited it. Anyway its as feasable as the others.

9. Maybe the phenomena is part of our psyche. Maybe the imagery, energy, perception, and reality is constructed by our own neuro-network of consciousness. Perhaps it is a grand woven collection of jigsawed mind pieces. Perhaps reality isn't what we think it is. It can't possibly be. Maybe energies are overlapped, interconnected, and interactive on a different level than we know.

10. Cryptos . Humans. Suppose there was a civilization that didn't need trade. They didn't need commerce and typical heirarchical things we find in our society. And suppose they were handed technology faster than other civilizations. Perhaps they were quite advanced, human, peaceful, non-warring, and integrated as a community. This may not even be possible among humans. Anyway, they get technology and continue to live in a peaceful and watchful position while maintaining a hidden society. At the same time, they are still humans. More on this later.

11. What else??

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

ET exists, no doubt

Really extra-terrestrials are a matter of perspective. If I am here and a spaceship lands and little greys come walking up to me, I might assume they are from another planet. Lets assume they are. Wow. ET does exist. The ET hypothesis has been proven. It IS possible for a species or some life form to travel to our planet and land. OK this is one perspective.

Lets look at some microbial life on Mars. Is it there?? More on Mars in the future, but there may be. Man would that change things I think. Anyway lets say there is life there. And we come crashing in with 2 rovers that traverse small areas of the Martian landscape. Only before that we had mettalic spacecraft circling the planet, whizzing by it, taking pictures and documenting. Now we have these wheeled droids scraping, rolling, sucking up sunlight to power themselves. Not that a microbe can think(well, to our knowledge of what thinking is, again another topic), but if it could, it's perspective and interpretation is that there is intelligent life in the universe. (Little do they know).

My point is that we are ET. If there is life out there somewhere and we bump into it, we are the aliens. We have the UFO's, not quite anti-gravity and warp-drive, but quite cumbersome hunks of metal that rely very much on Newton to get us anywhere.
Imagine this. Fast forward a few million years. If we are alive it's likely not on planet Earth, but thats irrelevant. Pioneer 10 manages to swerve and narrowly avert and major impact until Planet ZaBaDu. Planet ZaBaDu had a similar upbringing as Earth. Violent parents, early childhhod turmoil, and an amazing transformation into something wonderful. Intelligent beings arose on Planet ZaBaDu. Not so intelligent that they never had conflict. Not so intelligent that they mastered technology beyond our comprehension. But maybe similar to us, and perhaps even more archaic than us.

And down upon there world, reigns a great streaking light. Plummeting to Earth,... er sorry, Planet ZaBaDu. And in the midst of this fiery but salavgeable mess they retrieve a plaque. It happens to be the plaque from Pioneer 10. I just gotta wonder what they might be thinking. What would we be thinking?? Surely WE would probably call out much suspicion and likely hoax. On the other hand it might be something that we could study. Right, right, right. What about MJ-12??? We know where the spacecraft land and how to effectively deal with it. Plaque would be gone and witnesses would be left saying that the military figures picked up the debris. That sounds familiar, but this particular post isn't really about that.

This post is to suggest that the ET hypothesis is quite valid because we see ourselves reaching to other parts of our world. We know that our world is finite and has a limited time. Our natural tendency is to explore and go where no man has gone before. Our future is in other parts of the galaxy or galaxies depending what we learn in our quest to survive as a species.

Now whether UFO's play a part in this is another matter to be discussed. We haven't recovered any plaques with rudimentary drawings of the location and likeness of other wordly beings. Well, at least to my knowledge. We don't have obvious signs of ET's here, again, to my knowledge. Perhaps this suggests that either the UFO's represent higher evolved beings or that maybe they aren't ET's, in other words not from another physical planet.

If they are higher evolved beings this might explain the control of craft and their ability to remain enigmatically cloaked. If they are from, well, maybe another dimension or from here, or from some other wacky concoction then the same applies. They can manipulate themselves and/or our our perception of them to their advantage AND our disadvantage.

What is possible is all of the above I suppose. But I feel strongly in saying that there COULD come a day where one of Earths craft, not neccessarily Pioneer 10, could make it to and crash land on another inhabited planet. Wouldn't that be cool? And what if they picked up a signal of Elvis or I Love Lucy. It's possible, it's being broadcast at the speed of light. What if some tiny reciever, pointed in the exact right direction picked something up??

And would they be pissed if they got I Love Lucy and not Big Brother 7??

Monday, October 8, 2007

How big is Big??

I loved showing this photo to my students, 8th graders. I made the room dark as possible and let them look at it. And then I would proceed to question what they were seeing. Most would quickly respond "stars". But to explain to them that they were looking at galaxies, lots of them, some became quite awed.

When we look up at the stars we are looking at suns, billions of them, some bigger some smaller, but really what we see is a portion of our galaxy. And when you have a clear dark night away from the city and you see the Mily Way and realize we are not just looking at the stars, but we are in fact, looking into the eye of our origins. A face to face meeting with awareness of our smallness and insignificance, or significance depending how you view it.

And to make things weirder, looking up into the speckled cloak of night is a look back into time. It took the light millions years to travel across space and enter my eye so that I might have this realization. Wow. So if the nearest star to us went into supernova (which I'm not sure it can, don't think it is big enough -Alfa Centurai will have to check this??) we wouldn't even know for over FOUR YEARS!! Thats the closest one!! It is quite wonderous to look up to the stars and find constellations and planets. But it is another thing to come to revelations about what you are actually looking at. It is a weirdly sublime sensation.

Back to the photo. We are not just a speck on the photo, we are a speck of a speck. A billionth of a speck. And how many galaxies can we see in the picture? And how many more are there? You get a similar type of cosmic feeling looking at this . And you can, maybe not comprehend, but get an idea of the vastness that is vast. We don't have words that can describe phenomena like this. Infinity. If we could zoom out, where would we end? And when would we stop zooming in?

So this leads me in a Drake way, I suppose, to wonder where they are . We are here. In an arm in the Milky Way. A medium sized star, third planet out. We call it Earth. Where are you?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

About this blog

As in the header to this blog you may get an idea of what types of things I may be writing about. UFO's, bigfoot, consciousness, god or lack thereof, ancient civilizations, I'm not sure what else just yet. I'm going to veer away from stuff I don't really care about. Sorry, self interest I guess.

This is not your everyday, report the most absurd sensationalistic garbage type of blog. I'm not interested in what I know or feel to be fake stories. I don't care for sensationalism. The subject may be sensational enough anyway, without the self-promoting alien-envoking lecture. I want to know the truth. Are there intelligent beings of some kind that visit people on our planet? Is there an afterlife? Why can't we find this hairy man in the woods? (psssstt....maybe he doesn't exist)

Other questions as well. What is the nature of biological life throuout the universe? Why have we evolved into this remarkable conscious intelligent being that considers an episode of Dancing with the Stars time well spent? Certainly we are not at the pinnacle of our potential. Could there possibly be a species that is more intelligent than US??

I'll tell you what I think right now and as I change my mind I'll reveal that as well. There are UFO's. They are really there. Sure, not all of them are real, but some are, I'm convinced. I don't know what they are, but they appear to be under intelligent control. I say they appear to be. This doesn't mean that they are. But what I am saying is that this phenomena is real. The problem is getting any type of meaningful attention. This is due to the asylum that is ufology. So many people, with so many agendas. Insanity is a prerequisite for many people in this field.

I'll also spill this disclaimer. I am an armchair researcher at best. I don't go out and interview and investigate. I do the best I can with the information from I can get. From this I build my own assumptions. I am not a believer because belief is irrelevant. I'm not a "debunker" because I maintain an open mind. I accept all possibilities but carry a filter with me. I want truth, whether boring and mundane, or spectacular and sublime. I want to explore these topics as deeply as I can and I appreciate any feedback and additional information that I can get.