Monday, July 21, 2008

The Evidence Buildup on Mars

I'm just saying that we're certainly going to find life before it finds us. Or should I say that we will find life before any intelligent non-human life reveals itself to us??

Perhaps in the billions of years of our universes evolution there have been intelligent beings (besides ourselves, if we can count ourselves among the intelligent). Perhaps these beings have traversed space and maybe even time. Heck, thats what we are doing. At least the travel through space part. But I wouldn't bet the unveiling of intelligent hidden enigmatic beings precedes our exploration and curious will to hunt life down.

The one tipping point that might thrust a paradigm reality shift is the discovery of something alive. Or even evidence of something that used to be alive. And I think this is what the Mars research is building to. The evidence is starting to pile up. We think there was water. No wait, there seems to have been water. No wait again, there was a lot of water. Actually there was so much water that it formed deltas and large lakes as seen from the MRO.

So the elusive, while seemingly closer, remains elusive. Where is it?? Where is the life?? We're getting closer and I still hold out the probability that we find it in my lifetime. I say the odds are good. Wait and see.

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